The Libertarian: “Innovation, Regulation, and Airbnb”
The Libertarian
Richard Epstein looks at efforts in New York to tighten regulation on Airbnb, a service that allows individuals to rent out living space to travelers.
The Libertarian
Richard Epstein looks at efforts in New York to tighten regulation on Airbnb, a service that allows individuals to rent out living space to travelers.
Defining Ideas
Why complain about a business that matches many an out-of-town traveler with willing hosts, for a fee that leaves both sides happy, even after Airbnb takes its cut?
Defining Ideas
The flat tax proportionate to either income or consumption offers the most attractive option, because it allows the government to set the overall levels of revenue as high or as low as seems necessary, without inviting various factions to game the system for partisan advantage.
[T]he Perry Capital opinion plays fast and loose with the statutory framework of the 2008Housing and Economic Recovery Act (HERA) in ways that paint a totally false picture of its treatment of three key points.
Defining Ideas
This past week the Supreme Court decided to hear an important case from the Fifth Circuit, Texas Department of Housing and Community v. The Inclusive Community. The case asks the simple but vital question of whether the United States allows private parties to challenge state practices under a disparate impact theory, even when a government is cleared […]
Judge Royce Lamberth’s indefensible decision is only one battle in a long war.
Defining Ideas
Epstein asks: Does the President need congressional approval to use military force against the Islamic State?
Defining Ideas
Epstein argues the government’s efforts to regulate good corporate behavior will backfire.
Defining Ideas
In order to tackle global warming, we must rely on a simple pollution tax rather than ham-handed government regulations.
The Senior Preferred Stock Certificates spell nothing but trouble for the government.