The Way Forward On Police Reform

by Richard Epstein

Defining Ideas

For the past two years, I have taught a course in criminal procedure at the University of Chicago Law School. A key component of that course dealt with police behavior leading up to an arrest. In the class, I pointed out that relations between the police and the public have improved from the bad old […]

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Ferguson and the Rule of Law

by Richard Epstein

Defining Ideas

As most people by now know, on August 9 of this year, 18 year-old Michael Brown, a black man, was shot and killed by Darren Wilson, a 28 year-old white police officer in Ferguson, Missouri. On November 19, the Ferguson Grand Jury decided not to indict Wilson. Few events this year have attracted more attention […]

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A Tale of Two Bailouts: AIG, Fannie and Freddie and Beyond

by Richard Epstein


It has been some time since my last Forbes column on Fannie and Freddie. After eight weeks in Court, it appears as though the AIG trial, in which former AIG CEO Maurice (“Hank”) Greenberg is mounting a challenge to recover some $40 billion for shareholders from the United States, by attacking all the steps in the multi-billion […]

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Obama’s Amnesty Problem

by Richard Epstein

Defining Ideas

On Thursday November 20, President Obama delivered a controversial address to the nation on the contentious subject of immigration. In it, he outlined his plan to grant amnesty to some 3.5 million illegal immigrants in the United States. Recent polling data suggests that the President is sailing in choppy waters.

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Hands Off the Web

by Richard Epstein

Defining Ideas

This past week, we witnessed the occurrence of two events with the capacity to reshape the Internet for the worst. First, the White House offered a full-throated endorsement “for the strongest possible rules” in support of “net neutrality,” which would prevent telecommunications suppliers from offering their customers priority services in exchange for higher rates.

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Republicans Won. Now What?

by Richard Epstein

Defining Ideas

In the aftermath of the decisive Republican sweep of the midterm elections, the question on everyone’s mind is how the Republicans will govern now that they control the Senate and have a larger cushion to work with in the House.

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The Kidney Crisis

by Richard Epstein

Defining Ideas

To solve the problem of organ shortages, we must begin by repealing NOTA and implementing a free market for organs.

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