
Recent Books
The Classical Liberal Constitution, by Richard Epstein
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Business Networks Reloaded, Stefanie Jung, Peter Krebs, & Gunther Teubner (eds.)  Buy the Book »


Randomized Controlled Trials: How Can We Know “What Works”?, by Nick Cowen, Baljinder Virk, Stella Mascarenhas-Keyes & Nancy Cartwright (265 Critical Review Vol. 29, No. 3(2017))

Child brides, by Paola A. Suarez & Peter T. Leeson (144 J. Econ. Behav. Organ., 40 (2017))

Child-bride Marriage and Female Welfare, by Paola A. Suarez (Eur J Law Econ (2017))


Introduction: Symposium on Robust Political Economy, by Nick Cowen (Critical Review Vol. 28 , Iss. 3-4, 2016)

A Place of Their Own: Crowds in the New Market for Equity Crowdfunding, by Seth C. Oranburg (100 Minnesota L. Rev., 147 (2016))

An Economic Analysis of Magna Carta, by Paola A. Suarez & Peter T.Leeson (47 International Review of Law and Economics (Supp.) 40 (2016))

Compounding Errors: Why Heightened Regulation and Taxation Are Bad Antidotes for Recessions and Income Inequality, by Richard A. Epstein (17 Theoretical Inquiries L. 711 (2016))

Innovation and Inequality: The Separability Thesis, by Richard A. Epstein (39 Harv. J.L. & Pub. Pol’y 1 (2016))

Linguistic Relativism and the Decline of the Rule of Lawby Richard A. Epstein (39 Harv. J.L. & Pub. Pol’y 583 (2016))

Property Rights and Governance Strategies: How Best to Deal with Land, Water, Intellectual Property, and Spectrum, by Richard A. Epstein (14 Colo. Tech. L.J. 181 (2016))

Returning to Common-Law Principles of Insider Trading After United States v. Newman, by Richard A. Epstein (125Yale L.J. 1482 (2016))

The Mutual Dependency of Force and Law in American Foreign Policy, by Richard A. Epstein and Mario Loyola (83 U. Chi. L. Rev. 89 (2016))

The Role of Guidances in Modern Administrative Procedure: The Case for de Novo Reviewby Richard A. Epstein (8J. Legal Analysis 47 (2016))

The Two Sides of Magna Carta: How Good Government Sometimes Wins Out over Public Choice, by Richard A. Epstein (47 Int’l Rev. L. & Econ. (Supp.) 10 (2016))


Innovation and Inequality: The Separability Thesis, by Richard A. Epstein (Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy, 2015, Vo. 39)

Kelo, Ten Years On, by Richard A. Epstein (Hoover Digest, 2015, No. 4, Fall)

Bernie Sanders’ Sneakers, by Richard A. Epstein (Hoover Digest, 2015, No. 4, Fall)

Towards a More Evolutionary Theory of Property Rights, by Lee Alston & Bernardo Mueller (100 Iowa L. Rev. 2255 (2015))

The Numerus Clausus Principle, Property Customs, and the Emergence of New Property Forms, by Yun-chien Chang & Henry E. Smith (100 Iowa L. Rev. 2275 (2015))

Invited Takings: Supermajority, Assembly Surplus, and Local Public Financing, by Ruoying Chen (100 Iowa L. Rev. 2309 (2015))

How Spontaneous? How Regulated?: The Evolution of Property Rights Systems, by Richard A. Epstein (100 Iowa L. Rev. 2341 (2015))

Slicing Spontaneity, by Lee Anne Fennell (100 Iowa L. Rev. 2365 (2015))

Conflicts of Entitlements in Property Law: The Complexity and Monotonicity of Rules, by Georg von Wangenheim & Fernando Gomez (100 Iowa L. Rev. 2389 (2015))

Pre-Modern Credit Networks and the Limits of Reputation, by Emily Kadens (100 Iowa L. Rev. 2429 (2015))

Endogenous First-Possession Property Rights in Open-Access Resources, by Bryan Leonard & Gary D. Libecap (100 Iowa L. Rev. 2457 (2015))

The Evolution of Relational Property Rights: A Case of Chinese Rural Land Reform, by Shitong Qiao & Frank Upham (100 Iowa L. Rev. 2479 (2015))

Contracting for Control of Landscape-Level Resources, by Karen Brandshaw Schulz & Dean Lueck (100 Iowa L. Rev. 2507 (2015))

An Unapologetic Defense of the Classical Liberal Constitution, by Richard A. Epstein (128 Harv. L. Rev. Forum 145 (2015))

Entick v. Carrington and Boyd v. United States: Keeping the Fourth and Fifth Amendments on Track, by Richard A. Epstein (82 U. Chi. L. Rev. 27 (2015))

The Political Economy of Crowdsourcing: Markets for Labor, Rewards, and Securities, by Richard A. Epstein (82 U. Chi. L. Rev. Dialogue 35 (2015))


Redistribution Within Collective Organizations: What Corporations, Condominiums and Unions Tell Us about the Proper Use of Government Power, by Richard A. Epstein (8 N.Y.U. J. Law & Liberty 279 (2014))

Public Accommodations Under the Civil Rights Act of 1964: Why Freedom of Association Counts as a Human Right,  by Richard A. Epstein (66 Stan. L. Rev. 1241 (2014))

The Common Law Foundations of the Takings Clause: The Disconnect Between Public and Private Law, by Richard A. Epstein (30 Touro L. Rev. 265 (2014))

Modern Environmentalists Overreach: A Plea for Understanding Background Common Law Principles, by Richard A. Epstein (37 Harv. J. L. & Pub. Pol. 23 (2014))

The Use and Limits of Self-Valuation Systems, by Richard A. Epstein (81 U. Chi. L. Rev. 109 (2014))

Beyond Textualism: Why Originalist Theory Must Apply General Principles of Interpretation to Constitutional Law, by Richard A. Epstein (37 Harv. J. L. & Pub. Pol. 705 (2014))

Rickety Piketty” by Richard A. Epstein (Hoover Digest, 2014, No. 4, Fall)

Bitter Pills” by Richard Epstein (Hoover Digest, 2014, No. 4, Fall)

James M. Buchanan: Through an Austrian Window” by Mario Rizzo
(Manuscript version; forthcoming in Review of Austrian Economics, Springer Science-Business Media, 2014).

RMBS Put-Back Litigations and the Efficient Allocation of Endogenous Risk Over Time” by Robert T. Miller (Review of Banking and Financial Law, Forthcoming)

Reclaiming Liberty: How States Can Revive the 10th Amendment and Save the Constitution” by Mario Loyola
(Texas Public Policy Foundation Policy Perspective)

Questions for Free Market Moralists? Some Answers” by Mario Rizzo
(Think Markets Blog)

Legal Remedies For Patent Infringement: From General Principles To FRAND Obligations For Standard Essential Patents” by Richard A. Epstein and David Kappos
(Competition Policy International, Antitrust Chronicle, Volume 9, Number 2)